Have you seen us on TV?!

Recently, we had the exciting opportunity to partner with Leonardo Hotels to launch an awareness campaign that speaks to all types of travellers—from holidaymakers to business professionals. Our goal was to capture the diverse reasons people choose to stay at a hotel, whether it’s for a significant life event or the simple joys of a Have you seen us on TV?!

Why are we all running?

Why is everyone suddenly running? With London Marathon places being announced last week, it feels like an apt time to discuss this growing trend. Let us know if you got in! You’ve probably noticed the hoards of people around the quarter-life crisis mark becoming very into running. Some of us at the studio have also Why are we all running?

Sports marketing done well

Ahead of a summer full of sport, we wanted to take some time to reflect on a few sports marketing campaigns we’ve seen recently in the sporting world. Here’s a few things at the Studio that we’ve looked at and thought well, that was a sports marketing campaign done well. And yes, 50% of our Sports marketing done well

Stop boring your customers, why the term B2B should be banned from design discussions.

Can we agree on something? Design is important. The way we make people feel is important. If you don’t agree with those statements, it’s probably best you stop reading any further. Second point… What is the difference between B2C customers and B2B customers (your customers)? Is it: a) Nothing. b) Nothing c) Nothing Yes, you are correct, it’s Stop boring your customers, why the term B2B should be banned from design discussions.

Our top 5 campaign projects from 2021

It’s been another busy year for us at Wildish & Co. We’ve worked with some of our favourite brands, creating really fun and exciting campaigns that we’re super proud of. From luxury fragrances to dating sites, cookbook launches and our very own nutritional yeast company – we hope you’ll indulge us for a few minutes Our top 5 campaign projects from 2021